
Art brings beauty to life and makes the world a more beautiful place. 

We bring together new and emerging artists, painters, photographers, performers, and give them a space to highlight their work and create a community.

Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.

 -Franz Kafka

Current Artist Spotlight: Lauren Foree, painter.

There is an intesnity around Lauren Foree. It pulsates. It is a product of her vivid and brilliant mind. Her eyes can hardly conceal that she is twelve steps ahead of you at any one point, and most likely already tirning your story into her next canvas. 

Born and raised in Oklahoma, she bears none of the sensibilities of her mid-west youth. She stands statuesque and lean, her body well appointed with gorgeous ink. 

She lives as vibrantly as she paints. Read More.